Part 1 (Start Reading Here)

During a civil war, the rebel army decides to summon a goddess.

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Re: Part 1

Post by Emily »

Another agonizing silence rang through the tent, Evan's stomach twisting into even more knots while he waited for the boy to respond. Maybe this was it; maybe Xavier would be smart and walk away. An ache sliced at his core at the thought, but he couldn't begrudge the boy if that's what he decided.

He was just as caught off-guard by Xavier's next question as the last one, though in a slightly different way. Before Evan's brain had fully processed it, a harsh chuckle escaped his lips. Once the rest of his brain caught up, he shifted his gaze back to the boy, worried the chuckle would have landed wrong--but Xavier was smiling.

Holy fuck, Xavier was smiling.

Evan couldn't help but let a shadow of an excited, vaguely sinister grin show on his face. It almost seemed like too much to hope for, but maybe... maybe it was okay that Evan had scared him.

"Not that she'd admit it," Evan said with an amused, sultry lilt as he took a step towards Xavier, straightening his posture a bit as he did so, "But she fucking loves it."

Anxiety danced frantically in his gut, worried that this would just scare Xavier further away, but a more confident part of him was determined to hold out here, and see what really happened. If Xavier was actually interested in that sort of thing... ugh, Evan's cock twitched elatedly in his pants at the thought.
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Re: Part 1

Post by andrav »

Xavier was a little surprised at how relieved he was to see even a slight smile on Evan's face. Good, he was heading the right direction. And, all of this felt... good so far. There would be more to think about later, but for now...

"That's..." Xavier said, looking at the ceiling and then at the floor. "...bizarre. Is she just seducing men so they can slap her?" Xavier couldn't help the giggle that escaped him. "And you almost slapped me..." Xavier giggled again, a little nervously, but he couldn't help it.

"Is it weird that I'm, like..." Xavier tried to stop the next phrase from coming out, but his tongue kept moving, "...a little jealous? I mean, I didn't want you to slap me, and I was scared, but if that's something that can be fun, and even a goddess wants it...How are we humans supposed to deny ourselves?" Xavier was out-and-out grinning now, though his words were coming out a little faster than normal. He was certainly still shaken, and he wasn't sure what to do with all these realizations, but...

A runner boy interrupted any further thoughts Xavier might have had, though. From outside the tent, he announced, "Captain Rutliffe, your presence is requested in the commander's tent. She said to tell you you're already late."
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Re: Part 1

Post by Emily »

Evan's grin only grew wider as he watched Xavier process through all the pieces he'd gathered together. The captain approached slowly and steadily, not necessarily wanting to interrupt Xavier's thoughts, but also not wanting to completely wait for them to finish, either. This worked out perfectly, as Xavier wrapped up with an undeniable grin, just as Evan stepped into reach. The captain reached out to brush his fingers over the boy's neck and then back into his hair, and then--

"Captain Rutliffe, your presence is requested in the commander's tent. She said to tell you you're already late."


Evan's grin faded into a frustrated scowl, and he pulled his fingers back from Xavier, not wanting to mix the game he'd been about to play with his captainly duties.

"Roger that." He said to let the runner know he'd done his job and gotten the message delivered. But, ugh, guess it was time to actually get his boots on.

First he tossed Xavier a sheepish smile, hopeful that they'd gotten to an okay place to leave off despite the abruptness of the transition. Although... maybe just one more quick nod to it...

"Well, if you're not too scared to come into my tent again... " he let his smile brighten, and offered the lieutenant a wink.

"For now I've gotta go keep Blake from convincing Mizu I'm garbage, so."

He rolled his eyes playfully at that, hoping Xavier would be able to relax into joking about familiar things, and then finally got to locating and donning his boots, which he'd make pretty quick work of; it wasn't like they were likely to stay on his feet all that long, anyway.
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Re: Part 1

Post by andrav »

Xavier jumped at the sound of the runner boy's voice and immediately clasped a hand over his own mouth. What would happen if someone found them together in here? But they were clothed now, and Xavier was Evan's lieutenant. Still, though...

On the one hand, Xavier wanted Evan's fingers through his hair all over again, but he knew that he would appreciate some time to process what had just happened.

Xavier pulled his hand down from his mouth after Evan answered and suppressed one last giggle. And then was slayed by Evan's wink. Ah! An invitation! Whoa.

He laughed a little heartier at the comment about Blake but then got a little concerned. Things did not look like they had gone well for Evan last night, and he wondered if Evan's standing with Mizu really was as precarious as Xavier was worried it was.

And, Evan didn't seem too hindered by the burns, if the way he was lacing up his boots was anything to go by.

"Good luck with all that," Xavier said a little more seriously, reaching out to pat Evan's back once but withdrawing it before touch happened. "I'll look forward to your report on the situation." Another giggle suppressed. Switching back to formalities was now also a fun game.
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Re: Part 1

Post by Emily »

Evan looked up from his boot with a smirk at Xavier's last comment. Yeah, thankfully everything seemed to be fine. Whew. Honestly, Evan was not sure that he'd ever been able to recover from a situation like that before, but, granted, in some ways the fact that Xavier of all people could turn that around wasn't all that surprising. A warmth settled in Evan's chest, and he wondered excitedly if he could spend more time with the lieutenant once this meeting was over, now that they'd cleared the air--and even opened doors Evan hadn't dared dream of exploring with the boy.

For now, though, his boots were sufficiently laced, and he had this pain in the ass meeting to get to. At least Mizu had said she'd defend him... but he still certainly didn't expect the process to be pleasant. Especially not when he was starting out late, ugh. At least this all had been worth it.

"See you around, lieutenant." He said playfully as he pushed himself to his feet, and offered Xavier one more wink before leaving the tent.


His mood certainly fell as he approached Mizu's tent, but he reminded himself that he had accomplished worthwhile things last night. It just kept getting overshadowed by wondering whether Philip would be there; worrying about how his physical condition would look to the other captains; and agonizing over how the fuck he'd go into certain details.

He paused outside the tent and took in a deep breath, mentally preparing to see Blake's oh-so-punchable face and whatever scolding Mizu was going to give him about timing. Then, he went ahead and dipped inside, ready to get this thing over with.
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Re: Part 1

Post by andrav »

When Evan entered the tent, only Mizu was there, standing with her back to him on the other side of the table. She said nothing to him as she turned around, grateful that he looked much recovered compared to the way he had entered her tent earlier, and it wasn't another moment before other captains started filing in. The commander gestured for Evan to stand next to her, and she kept her head held high while everyone assembled. Until she counted all the twelve captains, nodding slightly to Captain Fujiwara, she didn't say anything.

Finally, the commander called for silence.

"We have two major matters of business," Mizu said, pausing to briefly reconsider her choice of which to say first before forging on with her original plan. "Yesterday, when Captain Rutliff and I were consulting with the old woman to gather more information, she informed us of a spy, one of the king's paladins. He reported on our location." Mizu paused to let that information sink in a moment. "The spy has been dispatched, and the paladin only gave a brief description of where we are, but it was enough information that we need to consider moving the camp. I would like to put the matter up for discussion.

"We have ongoing negotiations with the Shel'ti," Mizu said. "And I don't have any reason to believe that the king is ready to launch an attack, but if we were going to act with an abundance of caution," she paused here momentarily, "we would leave." After that, she left space for the captains to speak their peace.
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Re: Part 1

Post by Emily »

Well, Evan was certainly relieved to see that he was in fact not late, though he had mixed feelings about Mizu having pulled his leg about it. In part, he was honestly amused, but he was also supremely frustrated. Just one more moment with Xavier could have been so fucking fun. He supposed a charitable read could be that she'd figured he'd still be asleep, though, and in that case certainly appreciated the kick in the ass to get moving.

He was surprised when she gestured for him to stand next to her; that was certainly not his usual position. He couldn't say he had any complaints about that, though. It helped him feel much more confident that Mizu really was going to have his back today, plus it'd probably get under Blake's skin in a frankly absolutely delightful way. Evan moved over next to his commander with a grateful nod, and settled into a proud and confident posture as the other captains filed in. His body certainly still hurt, but he could bear it for appearances.

Sure enough, Blake shot him one hell of a glare as she entered, and he couldn't help returning something of a shit-eating grin, though he tried to reign it in before it all became too much of a spectacle for the other captains.

Yukiko also tried to meet Evan's gaze as she entered though, in a way that seemed bolder than her usual overly-cordial antics. More than just testing the waters of saying a nonverbal hello, she looked curious, in a way that kind of terrified Evan. Fuck, had Mizu filled her in already? How much did she know? He averted his gaze for now, putting on his own usual grumpy refusing-to-engage expression. Although, the thought did occur to him, that if she knew enough, maybe she'd be jealous. Gods, wouldn't that be fucking glorious?

Mizu called for silence, and Evan braced himself for shit to get awkward fast. She started out going a different direction, though, which, once she was there, Evan acknowledged was also probably important to discuss. Though, he wasn't entirely sure how his arrangement with the goddess would work if they moved out of this wood she seemed to have purview over... but that wasn't exactly the best opening comment, all things considered.

"Keeping the prince safe is certainly paramount," Yukiko offered, happy to be the first to speak, especially when it seemed some of the other captains had some mixed feelings they were sorting through, "But so is securing aid from the Shel'ti, yes? Would we be able to continue negotiations from another location?"
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Re: Part 1

Post by andrav »

Expecting this question, the commander had a quick response. "Upon looking at a map of the area, it would make sense to move north toward the mountain terrain. It would be difficult for the king to send his troops there, and we might gain some allies among the hill people. We could sending scouting groups to the Shel'ti from there, but it would be an additional day's journey each way.

"Then again," Mizu said, thinking of the captain's initial comment, "the king might also anticipate us moving in that direction. He could send a small band of troops to attempt to reclaim his son. I'm not sure it's an enormous risk but one we should also weigh."

Elaine was clearly bothered by something and finally spoke up about it, though it looked as though she were choosing her words carefully. "And, since you have visited the old woman, didn't she say that the goddess had more power in these woods? That might lessen the likelihood of men falling prey to her, but it might also lessen our ability to work with her. If... that's what we decide to do."

"Which brings us to our second matter of business," Mizu said, a little worried about this matter coming up so quickly, "Captain Rutliff discovered a way to get the soldiers back and prevent any future attacks, though we don't yet have a way to guarantee the same with happen with the Shel'ti." Mizu looked at Evan pointedly but shortly continued. She knew that alone would not be enough to sate the captains' curiosity, and they deserved to know everything--well, mostly everything--by this point.

"It seems that negotiations with the goddess could not be avoided..." Mizu knew that Blake and Elaine might bristle at this generalization, but it was a risk she was willing to take. They couldn't possibly complain about the progress Evan had made. "...and Captain Rutliff has a way to contact her directly each night. Thus far, she had agreed to release one soldier each night."

One of the older captains finally found his tongue and said, "And what does the goddess want in return?"

((OOC: If Evan doesn't reply, Mizu will do so on his behalf fairly quickly.))
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Re: Part 1

Post by Emily »

"To be freed," Evan spoke up quickly, absolutely wanting to own the narrative on this point. Besides, he could emphasize something he hadn't had the chance to clarify to Mizu just yet, which could be helpful.

"Ten years ago Uranel sealed her out of our realm after deceiving and stealing from her." Evan glanced at Yukiko, wondering whether he should reveal the bit about what Uranel stole. That seemed a bit more like a detail Mizu might appreciate hearing in private first, though. "All she wants is to undo what the king unjustly did to her. Once we do that, she can--will gladly--dispatch of Uranel for us."

Yukiko certainly noticed Evan's glance. It was innocuous enough, except that it was at her, and didn't contain any of the usual emotions she'd come to expect from him. Curious! She tried to keep her own poker face, though--which, honestly, was a calm and curious expression anyway--especially since she didn't have any clear guesses on what the glance was about.

Meanwhile, Blake rolled her eyes, well aware that Evan was leaving out a detail about what the goddess wanted, but absolutely uninterested in elaborating on that herself. She still had deeply mixed feelings about the situation, and was content to let the other captains discuss their questions and concerns for now.
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Re: Part 1

Post by andrav »

Mizu was grateful that Evan chimed in as he had more to add. This was going well so far, but they still had a long way to go, and in this conversation, there was plenty of information Evan could have that Mizu didn't know. But, the other captains had seen Evan in action, and no one was going to keep secrets long anyway.

Before she felt the need to say anything further, the older captain said, "And we know how to do that? Set her free?" After a moment, he also added, "And what does she want from our realm? I've no love for the king, but maybe he had a reason for trapping the goddess."

Elaine couldn't hold her tongue at that point, "He bound a goddess, Captain Soven. He's interfering with all kinds of supernatural in ways we have witnessed firsthand; why would this be any different?" Mizu was suddenly grateful that she hadn't asked Elaine for advice about how to navigate this new understanding of the gods.

As though to see her point proved, Elaine turned toward Evan and asked, "What did he steal from her?"
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