Part 1 (Start Reading Here)

During a civil war, the rebel army decides to summon a goddess.
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Re: Part 1

Post by Emily »

The captain let out a soft groan as the goddess pulled his belt from its loops, and a wave of heat ran over his hips and up into his chest. His leg gave slightly for the first time since he stood up, but he steadied it quickly, and bit down just a little harder than he had been on the next area of Xavier's neck that his mouth enveloped.

Nng, the patience with which the goddess undid his buttons was agonizing. Each button drew attention to just how much pressure was in his pants, making it harder for Evan to ignore that part of his current state. And then, holy fuck, Xavier's teeth bit down on his neck, and the captain couldn't help but let out a shuddering sigh, his own legs threatening to get weak as he nearly lost himself in that sensation. His head certainly rolled a bit to the side, allowing the goddess all the access she could want. He consoled himself that Xavier's body was also hardly standing tall, and decided they were both ready for a change in position.

The captain twisted his hips and leaned slightly over the boy, while his hand on Xavier's lower back pulled in towards himself, forcing the boy's body off-balance. The goddess could keep biting Evan's neck to her heart's content, but he was keen on getting her down on her back while she did so. If all went well, he'd be settling down on his knees between Xavier's legs, one hand braced on the ground by the boy's head, and the other scooting aside the fabric of those unbuttoned pants - uunf - to slip two fingers beneath the boy's underwear and give a soft tug.
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Re: Part 1

Post by andrav »

As Xavier's body started to lose balance, Dehaljadrun allowed it to happen but sucked harder at his throat, her mind swimming with each reaction of his as it swelled through her. The goddess wanted to be on the ground, wanted to be underneath him, wanted wanted wanted.

She grasped at Evan's shirt, frustrated it was still on him, frustrated that he had any clothes on, as the two of them hit the ground. And then the captain was between Xavier's legs with his fingers on the inside of his underwear, and Dehaljadrun thrust Xavier's narrow hips up so Evan's fingers touched the tip of Xavier's cock, which was full to bursting with just the smallest amount of fluid at the tip. Evan's fingertips were warm, even if they were the slightest bit rough; the additional sensation of them was delicious.

Dehaljadrun thrust again, so enjoying the sensation that she relaxed from Evan's neck, feeling the relief flood through that place as though it were her own.

Xavier then ran his hands under Evan's shirt, feeling his chest and the muscles he used to hold himself up, greedily drinking the pleasure off his skin as if Xavier's fingers could translate it for the goddess. She tugged hard at the shirt then, hoping to make it clear she wanted it off. It was only fair. Xavier was still bare chested with his back now on the cold, hard ground.

Though she had never asked Evan his name, she had many times picked it up from both Xavier's and Evan's own mind, and it slipped from her lips now in a breathy gasp that followed yet a third thrust against Evan's fingertips.

"Evan," she said, savoring both syllables, "say my name. Please." Fine, she was begging now. It was everything she could do not to just shift abruptly out of Xavier's body, and maybe she would have if her brain wasn't so flooded with lust, but the goddess wanted him to choose when she did so. She wanted give him this power because she loved this agony.
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Re: Part 1

Post by Emily »

Another uneven sigh escaped Evan's lips as he felt the tip of Xavier's cock, the hint of fluid that touched his fingertips utterly delectable. He imagined bringing his fingers up to his lips to taste it - and he wondered, would it in fact taste like Xavier would? Ugh, if he did taste it, he could drive himself mad wondering the answer to that question. Before he could contemplate whether he seriously wanted to go down that road - a part of him really, really did - the goddess thrust the boy's cock to his touch again, and released the bite on his neck, which drew another heavy sigh from the captain's lips as he rolled his shoulder lightly, revelling in the wash of warmth and relief that poured out from the lingering sting on his flesh.

He also revelled happily in the feeling of Xavier's hands running over him, feeling his skin and tugging at his shirt with the goddess' desire. Somewhere in his mind he registered that she wanted something out of her tugging, and that part took some small pleasure in not giving it to her, but if he was being honest most of his head was just swimming in the pleasure of everything, and just about ready to simply surrender to doing and experiencing anything and everything that felt this fucking good.

Then the goddess spoke his name - and then asked for him to say hers, complete with a 'please'. Holy fuck. Every single one of those words buried themselves in his mind, sending waves of pride and pleasure all the way down to his toes. That he'd never told her his name was a bit thrilling, though he couldn't say he was surprised that she knew it. And that she'd chosen to use it, in the same breath as 'please'...

Evan leaned back from her, just enough to be able to look her in the eye, his own eyes heavy with lust, and his grin... oh, fuck, it looked pleased, and more than a little unkind.

"Release an additional soldier tonight." He said in a commanding tone, and then leaned in closer to murmur by her ear, "and I'll say your name now, and once more when you ask, without making you wait."
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Re: Part 1

Post by andrav »

Dehaljadrun so thoroughly enjoyed looking at Evan's lusty grin over her that she shook Xavier's body slowly side to side with pleasure, but she stopped instantly when he started speaking, immediately frustrated that he was demanding more of her, letting out something between a growl and a groan. But also, it impressed her. Again. But Dehaljadrun wasn't about to let him know that, even though she wanted to just give into him when he leaned down, whispered in Xavier's ear, and told her he would say her name--twice. Oh, gods. Compared to this experience with Evan, what was a half-enthralled soldier to her? But that wasn't the point. It was bigger than that. If she gave in to him in this way... No. Or, at least, not that easily.

She thought about flipping herself back over onto him, but the goddess didn't want that. She enjoyed being underneath him too much, and a simple show of force wasn't worth giving that up at the moment.

Instead, she glared at him momentarily, narrowing her eyes as she thought about the proposal. Then, she almost laughed.

"You're going to have to offer better than that," her grin with Xavier's facial features matched Evan's lust and wickedness and then some. "What else are you willing to give me?"
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Re: Part 1

Post by Emily »

Mmmm. She was considering it. There had been a part of Evan that was terrified he was pushing his luck too far, though in his current headspace, that was just part of the ride he was on. The captain soaked in the glares that the goddess sent him, wondering what she was contemplating, what sorts of sensations his demand had settled into her being...

His tongue licked the side of his upper lip when the goddess shifted Xavier's expression to mirror his own. Gods, it was a sight to see, and it absolutely settled a thrilling feeling into his gut.

The hand that had been gently tugging at Xavier's underwear slipped away to also settle itself on the ground, and Evan slowly rocked his hips from side to side above the boy as he savored that expression on his face. Truth told, he didn't even have any particular desire for an additional soldier to be released tonight, but he did have a desire to get something else out of her, if he could, and that had been the first thought of impact to come to mind. He pondered for a moment whether there was indeed something else he was willing to offer, or whether he'd prefer to ask for something the goddess might be more inclined to give in to. Mostly, right now, he just wanted the power play of it all.

After a moment he lightly clicked his tongue, having come to a decision about how he wanted to proceed.

"If it's not that valuable to hear your name on my lips..."

Evan let his voice trail off as he leaned down, settling a brief kiss on Xavier's left collar bone. He pulled back only slightly, letting his breath continue to play on the skin as he spoke again, his voice a low and sultry murmur.

"... watch the chill it sends down my spine..."

He moved just enough to nip his teeth at skin just below the collar bone, biting in to give a quick, sharp pinch before withdrawing again.

"... feel the desire it swells in me..."

He moved again as he spoke, his tongue snaking out once he finished to flick over Xavier's nipple. Then he pulled back again, his eyes settling back onto the boy's face.

"... then it hardly seems worth it to say."
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Re: Part 1

Post by andrav »

Heavily disappointed when Evan pulled his fingers away, Xavier pouted briefly, but then Evan's voice lulled her back and ignited her again. Hearing how saying her name affected him... Fuck. She knew--she had felt it--but hearing him say it...

The most frustrating part of all this is that she just wanted her body back so badly, and some part of her refused to do it without playing this game she herself had committed to. Ughhhhh.

But, her own memory of the way he said her name, of how it made Xavier's body writhe over him, flooded back over her, and she absolutely wanted that again. Wanted it twice. But also, if he kept whispering and kissing her like that, she would just about do anything. Fuck. How did this happen? Where in the fucking fuck did the priestess find this one?

"Take the rest of your clothes off," Dehaljadrun said after the flicker of his tongue crossed Xavier's nipple and felt like a full electric shock. She used the same commanding tone Evan used before, fully realizing that Evan was receiving orders from a subordinate, and Dehaljadrun played that up heavily.

"And then," she said, drawing out at least some anticipation, "I will agree to your deal."
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Re: Part 1

Post by Emily »

Fuck. Yes.

Honestly, a splash of pleasure had warmed Evan's gut and set tingles along his lower back at the thought of Xavier issuing him such a command. Some part of his brain chided that this wasn't Xavier, damnit, and felt silly at experiencing pleasure as though it was, but fuck ittttt. The goddess would only be inhabiting this body for so much longer, anyway - may as well enjoy the time with it, right?

Evan did his best not to let victory gleam in his eyes too brightly, lest the goddess change her mind, or feel like she got a raw deal here in a way that'd bite him in future interactions. No, he was certainly pleased with this outcome, but not stupid enough - right now - to gloat.

In any case, the captain pushed himself up into a kneeling position, and then pulled his legs around so he could sit down, his booted leg upright in front of him with its foot resting on the ground just a hair's breadth from the crotch of Xavier's pants, and his other leg bent casually to the side, its foot resting on the ground beneath the knee of the first. Evan's fingers started slowly undoing the laces, and he flicked his gaze back up to the goddess with a playfully raised eyebrow, hinting that he had every intention of drawing this out just as long as the first boot had taken.
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Re: Part 1

Post by andrav »

Having enough awareness of Evan's state of mind to realize the intention of her command had succeeded, Dehaljadrun drank in the feeling that ran through Evan's back. She also saw the glint in his eyes and realized that he had not expected to get so much out of her, but she was so rooted in right now that she hardly cared. Gah, maybe that was a habit of this body as well. Maybe she would regret this later. But when Evan pulled away from Xavier's body and placed his foot very, very near Xavier's still very erect and demanding cock, she quickly let go of those thoughts completely. 

Watching him unlace his boot, Dehaljadrun realized he was teasing her. This was payback. Oh, lords, there were so many layers to this game. 

Xavier propped himself up on his elbows, leaning in just the tiniest bit but enough so Evan's boot was now touching Xavier's crotch. Mmmm. Yes, now she could feel each movement Evan made acutely through this body. Xavier momentarily tossed his head back in pleasure. Everything felt so good. 

Lifting his head back up, Xavier looked at Evan, drinking in the sight of his minute movements as Xavier's right-hand fingers splayed out on the ground. Biting his own lower lip, Xavier's middle three fingers started pressing the ground one at a time, alternating about every three seconds. Corresponding with each finger's touch on the ground, Dehaljadrun replayed the feeling of those tingles in Evan's lower back, reinitiating that sensation in him each time a finger touched the ground. As Evan started to realize the relationship between touching the ground and the sensation in his back, the goddess began hesitating and became irregular about when Xavier's fingers touched the ground, keeping him in anticipation of them.

Dehaljadrun laughed quietly and reached up with Xavier's left hand to bite his left index finger, simultaneously replaying in Evan the physical sensation he had experienced through his body when she had said, "Evan...please." And then, when that had finished, pressing another finger to the ground. Ah, she was playing his sensations like an instrument. The thought made her purr with delight. 
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Re: Part 1

Post by Emily »

Evan watched delightedly as Xavier propped himself up and shifted forward onto his boot. He continued slowly unlacing the shoe, relishing that the goddess could feel those light, smooth motions, and every little way the shoe held tension as he pulled the last bit of a lace through a clasp, and released it when the lace finally cleared it. He fucking loved watching the boy's head toss back, and he couldn't help leaning forward a bit, his breath hitching just slightly while he determinedly continued his languorous de-lacing.

And then, unf, that lip bite when Xavier came back up. It sent another set of warm tingles to Evan's back, and the captain licked his upper lip in return. Just when those tingles dissipated, another set bloomed, and the captain shuddered slightly, surprised at how taken he seemed to be with Xavier's image right now. Obviously he knew he had a thing for the boy, but sheesh. He turned his eyes down to his boot for a moment, a little embarrassed, but trying to look like he just felt like watching the lace as it pulled through another clasp. It was a certain sort of satisfying to watch, but... not satisfying enough to explain yet another round of tingles a moment later. The sensation certainly wasn't unpleasant, but this was ridiculous.

Evan returned his gaze to his lieutenant's face, his expression curious and attentive and studying. Just what was it about this situation that was eliciting such warm fuckin pin-pricks? Was he just discovering some deep-seated fantasy he never knew he had of sensually unlacing his boot between his lieutenant's legs? That... well, it was pretty fucking hot, but not in the warm-fuzzy way his body seemed to be reacting. Except that, well, that was how his body was reacting. What the fuck.

By this point his hands had come to a stop, and Evan seemed completely oblivious about it.

Another set of tingles hit, and the captain managed to catch sight of Xavier's finger tapping against the ground, and the thought crossed his mind. He swallowed and kept his gaze locked with the goddess', for now lightly biting down on his own lip, admittedly mostly in an attempt to distract her from what he was really paying attention to. But sure enough, another one of Xavier's fingers tapped in his periphery, and in time with it, another set of tingles bloomed. Fuck.

Evan turned his gaze back down to his boot again, and only then realized that his hands had paused in their task. Ugh, fuuuuck. This was going all wrong. The goddess could get in his fucking head and his body just by tapping her damn fingers? Well, he supposed this was, y'know, a fucking goddess, so sure, yeah, why the fuck shouldn't she be able to do that? But fuuuuuuck. Evan did his best to set his hands back diligently to their task, pushing through everything else to continue their slow, sensual de-lacing of his boot. It was hard as shit, though, cuz all these fucking tingles were making him want to think about were hugging Xavier to his chest, or fuckin... wrestling with the kid in a sunlit field or some sappy shit like that, or even - uhh, fuuuuck, Evan really didn't want the goddess to see this one, but there it was, if she was keyed into this shit right now - kneeling at Xavier's feet, the boy's fingers gently caressing his hair.

The fact that the goddess laughed quietly right after that thought came to mind was the fucking worst. Evan tossed an angry glare to her, his cheeks burning hot with blush. Nng, just in time to see Xavier bite his finger, which first of all, was hot as shit, and secondly, sent his head swimming with pride, his whole body keyed up and anxious to make some sort of move. Evan was grateful as fuck that his boot was sufficiently unlaced at this point, though he'd originally intended to go a bit further. He pushed himself to his feet and fairly practicedly balanced on his shoeless foot while he raised his other and leaned down to tug the shoe off, his eyes locked with the goddess' all the while. Yet another bloom of tingles warmed his back as he threw the boot aside, and fuuuuuck Evan wanted to just dive back down over the boy and make out with his face like there was no tomorrow.

Miraculously, he did not. The body before him, he reminded himself yet a-fucking-gain, wasn't actually Xavier, and regardless, whatever the fuck the goddess was doing, the captain was determined not to let fuck with the deal he'd just struck, and getting naked was a prerequisite for that deal. Thank the fucking gods nothing else would be more complicated than that boot.

Regathering himself, the captain shifted his weight onto his left hip, and reached his arms behind his head to grab the back of his shirt to tug over his head, perfectly aware that the motion emphasized his biceps rather nicely. Hell, the last part of the motion as he finished tugging the fabric above his torso certainly didn't hurt the look of his abs, either, and he damn well knew that too. His right arm completed the motion of pulling the shirt over his head and to the side, and then threw the fabric away as well. Evan's eyes initially followed it, but then briefly returned to Xavier's face, partially obstructed by his messy black hair which got tousled a bit extra in the process.

((OOC: and, like, I can keep goin, but I figured enough had happened in there it might be worth pausing to let Dehaljadrun post before we continue. If she wants. Just lmk lol))
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Re: Part 1

Post by Emily »

A few of the captain's tattoos had been visible all along: a set of simple bands on each arm - on his right bicep and left forearm respectively - and a piece that extended out from his chest and over his left shoulder.

The band on his right bicep was a small collection of simple straight black lines of varying thicknesses encircling his arm, although only a few of the lines ran the whole circumference. The rest broke at least once, leaving gaps of varying sizes as well, the whole piece seeming a bit random and hectic despite the perfect parallel trajectories of the lines.

The piece on his left forearm was more organic, maybe close to looking scribbled on, though artfully so. It was made up of two small bands - one just a very simple scribbled circle (or, rather, a few?) along the circumference of his forearm at its widest point. The lower band, about half an inch further down, mirrored the other on top, but the scribbles expanded further down, jutting out in places lower on his forearm and giving a little bit of a gradiated effect, perhaps harkening to a mess of tree branches or blades of grass, overlapping each other with fading density until the tallest reached their end.

The piece on his left shoulder was back to being very geometric - a sort of grid of different shades of black and gray, together forming shapes of overlapping circles and vertical and horizontal lines. The area over his chest was made up of more tightly-clustered darker chords, and the shapes left more negative space as it continued over his shoulder, almost looking like an open set of teeth by the time it folded over to his back.

There was also a tattoo that removing his shirt revealed, though. The goddess likely got a glimpse of it when she raised Evan's shirt on the ground earlier, but it was much easier to take in now that he stood before her, especially as his arms had risen above him to remove and discard his shirt. Although, it was also clear that there was more to see of it around the side and likely along his back as well.

What was visible of that tattoo from the front was the head of a dragon, curling in over his rib cage from his right and dipping its neck downwards as it angled back over towards his side again. Wings started to hint at spreading out as they disappeared around the side of his rib cage, and possibly a tail swooped in from the side again further down over his hip, disappearing quickly below his pants. The style of it all was most akin to the band on his left arm, though it was much more elegant in its sketchiness, each stray line radiating from the creature's form clearly planned and executed for aesthetic effect.

The captain didn't seem to be thinking about his tattoos much, or was doing a masterful job at holding himself as though he weren't. He simply allowed the goddess to gaze at him for a moment, rather confident that she would find the view enjoyable, before he slipped his thumbs beneath the hem of his pants at each of his hips. He shifted his hips slowly side to side then, allowing the motion to do the work of nudging his pants downwards, centimeter by centimeter. Hell, it seemed likely enough that his thumbs were actually slowing the process down, ensuring that the fabric fell at a steady, agonizing pace, and no faster. He held her gaze between his strands of messy hair through the process. His eyes were certainly still a bit grumpy, and his cheeks still red, but his lips hung parted and relaxed, determined to radiate arrogance and lust in spite of his fluster.

((OOC: we made a rough thingie about what we're picturing for the tattoos. Wanted to describe it in text tho cuz this picture is definitely not perfect, and plus hopefully text helped emphasize the things we were really goin for. Also Evan wants it to be clear that we were thinkin bout a dragon before you said a goddamn word lol. There's also a back image that I'll share when we get there ;) Anyway, the front: link ))
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